Lockbox Deposits
A deposit record is created and posted when the lockbox download is received. Once any exceptions have been processed and there are no longer any exceptions, the deposit could be reversed..
To Work with Lockbox Deposits
- On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION. The organization tab is displayed.
- Click the territories tab and select the Details
icon of the appropriate territory.
- Click the accounting > transactions > deposit tab. Any deposits are available on the deposit summary screen.
- In the deposit summary, click the Details
icon to open the deposit record.
Note: The Reverse link in the Navigation Toolbar is disabled until all exceptions have been processed.
- In the Quick Navigation panel, click Receipt. The deposit with no pending exceptions is displayed.
Note: The Date Booked is the date the download occurred.
- Click the Lockbox Batch link to view files that currently have exceptions. Once the exceptions are cleared, these items will be moved to the deposit Receipt link on the Quick Navigation panel.
- In the Quick Navigation panel, click Deposit Posting. The posted receipt general ledger posting results are displayed. Once the exceptions are processed and posted, the line items will be offset to Undeposited Funds instead of Lockbox Suspense AR.
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